Impact deep-dive at cocokind offsite
cocokind is an organic skincare company, founded to change the status quo of the beauty industry and break the cycle of “aspirational beauty.” cocokind is committed to providing clean and conscious products accessible to all. For their year-end retreat, we facilitated design thinking workshops on the theme of impact, enabling meaningful intersections of cross-departmental collaboration and the freeing power of collective ideation.
We used an inclusive, creative process that embodied cocokind’s internal mission on providing tools for team members to stay happy, productive, and growing. The fun, interactive sessions surfaced tangible ideas and strategies to guide cocokind’s conversations throughout the offsite and their extended roadmap.
Nicole and Kacie provided structure around creative team thinking, leading us through exercises on how we can continue to fulfill our mission across all aspects of the business.
As a mission driven company, their guided series of thoughtful and holistic exercises was the perfect way to focus and kick off our annual team retreat.
- Samara Flug, Chief of Staff at cocokind
Intro to impact + the current state
To kick off the day, we did some warmup exercises, and established ground rules for creating and maintaining a space of exploration, for individuals and the group. We aligned on the goals of the workshops and the focus on impact and what that meant for cocokind.
We then investigated the current state of impact for cocokind by deep diving into what people say about cocokind (both the fans and critics), and created a map of all the key stakeholders. Teams identified stakeholder needs and areas of opportunity to provide more positive impact moving forward.
Beautiful monsters
Before moving from the current state pain points to imagining the blue-sky future state, we led a drawing energizer, which allowed participants to let go of any creative inhibitions, and collaborate across disciplines for surprising and fun results.
Inspirational exemplars
We shared a few of our favorite impact case studies from various industries to spark additional ways of thinking about the topic.
Utilizing themes that emerged from the stakeholder mapping exercise to craft ideation prompts, we facilitated the teams through concept generation using a wild ideas contest to encourage big thinking.
The teams then voted on and prioritized the concepts to further develop in the workshops (saving the rest for future exploration).
Concept storytelling
Once the teams narrowed down and identified their favorite concepts, they used storytelling techniques to bring their ideas to life and demonstrate cocokind impact for its stakeholders.
Visioning the future of impact for cocokind
We closed out the day with an activity to describe cocokind's future vision of impact, incorporating the overarching themes that emerged throughout the workshops.
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