
Integral Coaching:
Life & Career

1:1 coaching to support you in discovering and living the full expression of who you are


Meeting you where you are, to expand into a truer version of yourself, and confidently navigate your own path

Embarking on a reproductive health journey?
Struggling to balance work and parenting?
Considering or taking on solo parenthood?
Thinking about a career change?
Navigating any other major life, work, or relationship stuff?

Looking for support to transition into a healthy new chapter?

  • Tired of living to societal standards?
  • Suffering from overwhelm?
  • Feeling stuck and want to shake it up?
  • Struggling to prioritize self-care?
  • Need to regain touch with who you are?
  • Looking to match your life with shifting priorities?
  • Re-evaluating your path ahead?

To learn more about the process and see if there's a mutual fit, book a free call or email me


When we stop trying to be everything for everyone, we find ease in being our true selves.


I work with my coaching clients holistically to integrate all parts of you: head, heart, and body, to bring out your full potential.

To learn more about the process and see if there's a mutual fit, book a free call or email me

Individual coaching takes place over ten virtual sessions, every other week over 5-6 months. In between sessions, you engage with practices and self-reflections to encourage and observe positive shifts in your life.

Our integral coaching work is customized to you, but may include support in the following:

  • Clarifying your beliefs and values

  • Aligning actions with purpose

  • Exploring new career pathways
  • Cultivating a stronger sense of identity and belonging

  • Accessing and trusting your intuition and inner wisdom

  • Connecting to sources of personal renewal

  • Building self-compassion and awareness of inherent worth

  • Navigating difficult conversations more skillfully

  • Strengthening connection in relationships



To experience coaching first-hand and see if there’s a mutual fit, book a free call


Brooklyn, NY & Asheville, NC
© Nicole Lenzen 2024


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